List of insurance companies in Cambodia
Find below the list of insurance companies, currently operating in the Kingdom. We intent to keep this list up-to-date, but we do not guarantee the accuracy of this page at the time you are reading this.
Also, it is important to note that AG Cambodia does not necessarily work with these entities. This list is for your information purpose only.
Insurance is a vital aspect of financial management and risk mitigation for individuals and businesses globally. Cambodia’s insurance industry has seen a massive transformation over the past few years due to rising economic growth. Consequently, the demand for insurance products and services has increased considerably, with numerous insurance companies setting up shop in the country. AG Cambodia is a leading brokerage firm in Cambodia dealing with many insurance companies and helping clients to choose the appropriate insurance coverage.
The Insurance Industry in Cambodia has made significant strides since operations began back in 1990. With extensive support from the Cambodian Government and private investors, the insurance industry continues to show remarkable growth momentum, providing various insurance products to individuals and organizations operating in Cambodia.
At present, there are nineteen insurance companies operating in Cambodia, each offering different types of policies. Six of the companies are Life Insurance firms, whereas the remaining thirteen operate as General Insurance companies. Some of the leading insurance companies in Cambodia supplying General Insurance policies include Cambodia-Vietnam Insurance, Forte Insurance, Infinity Insurance, and NAGICO Insurance. For those looking to purchase Life Insurance, some prominent companies to consider include PRUDENTIAL Cambodia, Manulife Cambodia, and CAMBODIAN PUBLIC LIFE.
Recent reports suggest that the overall insurance penetration rate in Cambodia has not reached its potential, with the country having a low penetration rate of 0.7%. The low penetration is attributed to limited knowledge and awareness among the population about the importance of insurance coverage. However, as the Cambodian economy continues to grow, it is expected that this figure will increase significantly in the coming years.
Cambodia’s emerging middle-class population is one of the primary drivers of insurance demand. With increasing economic growth and living standards, residents are looking to secure their lives, assets, and businesses. More business owners are embracing insurance policies to protect their interests, especially with the rising number of risks, including natural disasters and accidents. Additionally, the government of Cambodia has been providing support to attract foreign investment in the industry. Recently the Cambodian government introduced regulations encouraging micro-insurance initiatives to promote more affordable, accessible, and sustainable insurance services across the country.
Cambodia’s Insurance industry has several insurance product offerings targeted at mitigating risk. General Insurance policies provide protection for assets such as property, vehicles, and businesses, while Accident Insurance provides health and compensation coverage for injuries caused by accidents. Other Insurance options in Cambodia include Medical Insurance, Travel Insurance, and Micro-insurance. Micro-Insurance has been quite successful in Cambodia, offering low-cost coverage options to people in remote and rural areas, who were previously excluded from accessing insurance services.
In summary, the insurance industry in Cambodia has come a long way since its introduction, reflecting the economic progress of the country. The insurance industry continues to gain momentum as individuals and businesses realize the importance of mitigating risks. With nineteen insurance companies offering various insurance products and the government supporting the industry, the potential for insurance growth in Cambodia is enormous. AG Cambodia, as one of the leading brokerage firms in Cambodia, is committed to helping individuals and businesses navigate the insurance landscape to select the right policies that will meet their specific needs.